母 Mother
(聖廟 深夜)
Holy Mausoleum | Late Night
アルファルド: Byleth……君までもが、私に剣を向けるというのですか。
Aelfric: Professor. You would raise your sword against me?
Your mother lies here, waiting for us. Waiting for you! Don't you want her back?
クロード: 先生の母親だって……?苦し紛れの揺さぶりか?
Claude: Teach, is that true, or is he just trying to freak us out? If so...it's kind of working.
Choice 1: 母は自分を生んだ時に死んだ My mother died giving birth to me...
Choice 2: 自分に母親はいない I don't have a mother.
Choice 3: 何の証左もない You have no proof that's her.
アルファルド: ……いいえ、紛れもなく、君の母親の遺骸です。
Aelfric: There is no room for doubt. I know her appearance better than anyone. This...is her.
An upstanding nun who married Jeralt, she died 21 long years ago...
ディミトリ: …20年以上も前に死んだ者の体が、少しも朽ちていないなど信じがたいが。
Dimitri: You cannot expect us to believe that someone who died two decades ago is still in such pristine condition...
アルファルド: ええ、彼女の姿は生前と何も変わらない。まるで、魂だけが失われたかのように……。
Aelfric: Incredible, isn't it? It's as though she remains untouched, even after all these years...
Perhaps her body differs from others. Beautiful, ageless―perfectly preserved by some secret only she knows.
Whatever the case may be, it is strange, is it not?
It's been 10 long years since I found her. I came across her body, frozen in time, deep underground.
I have worked tirelessly to solve the riddle of her death and bring her back to life.
レア: そこまでです、アルファルド。
Rhea: Halt, Aelfric.
アルファルド: ………………!レア……!
Aelfric: Rhea!
You are the cause of this! It was you who killed her! When she gave birth to a child who made no sound.
Tell me what you've done to her! Why does her body remain while her spirit does not?!
レア: ……それを語る言葉を、私は持ちません。ですが、一つ伝えておきましょう。
Rhea: I owe you no words on the matter. But I will tell you this...
She made the choice to die, that her offspring might live.
I respected her will. Nothing more.
Aelfric. Just as I viewed her, so do I view you.
You are as my own child. Please, cease this futility.
アルファルド: ……くっ。く、ふっ、ははははははは!
Aelfric: Oho!
You expect that I should believe you without question?!
You see her lying her before you, and yet you "owe no words."
Rhea, I am finished with you. The only thing that remains to be done is to complete the ritual.
レア: アルファルド……!……恐らくまだ近くにいるはずです!
Rhea: Hurry! He cannot have gone far.
Byleth: 決着をつけよう Let's end this.
エーデルガルト: ええ、放ってはおけないわ。すぐに追うわよ。
Edelgard: Yes, we must stop him at once. Let's figure out where he disappeared to.
ディミトリ: ユーリスたちはどうする。その様子……かなりの深手に見えるが。
Dimitri: What about you four? You don't look like you're up for much of anything right now.
ユーリス: ……俺様はそんなにヤワじゃねえよ。むしろ血が減ったおかげで頭が冷えた。
Yuri: It'll take a lot more than that to stop me. If anything, I feel speedier with less blood weighing me down.
バルタザール: おう、そうだな。じゃなきゃ今頃、滾った血がおれたちの頭から漏れてるところだぜ。
Balthus: Probably for the best that he drained us, otherwise our blood would be boiling.
コンスタンツェ: 私を貴方たちと一緒にしないでいただけるかしら!? 気分は最悪ですのよ!
Constance: Ugh, speak for yourselves. I feel atrocious.
We must end this, and swiftly.
ハピ: ハピもやるよ。きっと……これが最後だし。
Hapi: Count me in.
バルタザール: よし、心は一つってやつだな!……っと、その前に、ユーリス! 面貸せ!
Balthus: Then we're all on the same page. But first things first... Let me see that pretty face of yours, Boss.
ユーリス: ……バルタザール。
Yuri: Hm?
ユーリス: ………………。
Yuri: Agh!
バルタザール: なぜ、おれたちに、言わなかった?
Balthus: Why the hell didn't you tell us?
ユーリス: ……すまない。俺は、お前らを利用した。こうしなきゃ……絶対に誰かが死んでいた。
Yuri: I'm sorry I had to use you all. But there wasn't much choice―someone would've died for sure otherwise.
It could've been any of you. It could've been one of my rogues, someone from Abyss... Who knows.
コンスタンツェ: 私たちがそれほど信用できなくて!?貴方という人は、本っ当に水臭いですわ!!
Constance: You imply that you didn't trust us enough! I am incensed by you, Yuri.
ハピ: 別に利用されるのはいーんだけどさ、先に相談しといてよね、まったく。
Hapi: Use me or don't, but it would've been nice if you'd asked us first.
バルタザール: お前が人質を取られて大変だって事情はよーくわかった。仕方ねえ。だが……
Balthus: Look, I get it. Your people were being held hostage. You were between a rock and a hard place.
But I thought we were pals. Buddies till the end.
ユーリス: ………………!
Yuri: I...
I need you...all of you. I've been a fool. Thank you for always being here for me. Even now.
バルタザール: さて、馬鹿への説教はいったん終わりだ。もう一人の馬鹿を殴り飛ばしに行くぞ!
Balthus: All right, I think this fool gets the picture. Time to find that other fool and take him down!
You'll help with that, yeah?
Byleth: 当然だ Obviously.
ユーリス: はは、気持ち良い返事だな。……じゃあ行こうぜ、灰狼の学級!
Yuri: Haha! I love the lip on this one. Let's do this, Wolves.